CBD Blog - Information about CBD oil

Learn everything you need to know about the organic CBD products by Dutch Natural Healing. In these blogs, you’ll find information on the effects of CBD oil, CBG oil and other cannabinoids. But also interesting scientific information and innovations in the field of CBD and other hemp-derived substances. Besides, you’ll find the latest news about our company on our blog page - to ensure you’re the first to know about our developments.

Submerge yourself into the world of hemp and CBD and learn with us in our CBD blogs! Are there any subjects or is there specific information missing on this page? Tip our editors through our contact form and include ‘Blog tip’ in the subject.

All information in these blogs is intended for educational purposes only and is in no way meant to replace medical advice. Do you have a serious condition? Please ask your physician for medical advice.


Should I take CBD Before or After a Workout? - Dutch Natural Healing
Feb 23, 2023
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring oily compound found in the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. Non-psychoactive, it...
How CBD Works: Endocannabinoid System (ECS) Explained - Dutch Natural Healing
Feb 22, 2023
The study of the effects of CBD on the body is a relatively new field, but there’s growing...
CBD 101: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners - Dutch Natural Healing
Feb 21, 2023
Introduction to CBD CBD is a supplement that’s rapidly growing in popularity, thanks to its many benefits. These...
Dosing CBD oil: how much CBD should you take? - Dutch Natural Healing
Feb 21, 2023
Like with many other substances, CBD is no exact science. From our customer’s experience and some preliminary scientific...
What are the different types of CBD products? - Dutch Natural Healing
Feb 09, 2023
CBD comes in many different forms and there is a wide range of products available. Understanding the main...
CBD Oil Experiences - Dutch Natural Healing
Sep 25, 2022
Consumer CBD Oil Experiences and reviews Everyone experiences CBD oil in a different way. First and foremost, because of the...
CBD oil use: how, which, when and why? - Dutch Natural Healing
Jun 06, 2022
CBD oil is nowadays widely used by people who want to support their health or well-being in a natural...
CBD oil for hay fever: Using hemp as an antihistamine for allergies - Dutch Natural Healing
Apr 10, 2022
CBD oil against hay fever CBD oil is widely known as some sort of a "cure-all". Helping millions of...
Growing hemp for good CBD oil: from seed to endproduct - Dutch Natural Healing
Feb 07, 2022
CBD Oil production process Making good CBD oil is not as easy as it looks. As there are many aspects...