Olio di CBD per cani 2% - Spettro completo

Prodotto da agricoltori olandesi di decima generazione100% vegano

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Olio di CBD per cani

Un flacone da 10 ml - 20 ml di olio di CBD per cani contiene 200 mg - 400 mg del miglior estratto di canapa olandese Natural Healing e puro olio di salmone. L'uso dell'olio di salmone rende il sapore molto più gradevole per il cane, rendendo il prodotto facile da somministrare. L'olio di CBD per cani è ricco di terpeni e presenta la massima varietà di cannabinoidi per ottenere il massimo effetto sul vostro amato animale domestico. L'olio di CBD per cani Dutch Natural Healing è molto efficace, anche a basse dosi, e sicuro al 100%.

  1. Conservare a temperatura ambiente.
  2. Agitare bene prima di ogni utilizzo.
  3. Una goccia ogni 5 kg tre volte al giorno oppure;
  4. Come raccomandato dal veterinario.

Olio di canapa prima spremitura (50%)* | Olio di salmone di alta qualità (50%) | Spettro completo con 200mg - 400mg di CBD *Certificato biologico

Conteggio gocce

± 240


2% (±0,8mg CBD per goccia)

Adatto per


Tipo di prodotto

CBD a spettro completo con olio di salmone


Efficace e facile da usare

Livello di THC

Meno dello 0,02%

Domande frequenti

Dogs can actually process vegetal cannabinoids better than humans, believe it or not, making CBD oil perfectly safe for canines. Our customer feedback and our own studies show that small, regular doses of CBD can really improve a pet’s way of life.

Unlike cats, dogs also have no issue in processing terpenes. This means that a dog could theoretically take the same CBD oil humans can take. However, we would advise against giving your dog THC-rich products and homemade brews.

Working out what dose to give your dog is very easy. As a starting point, you should give your dog 1 drop of CBD oil for every 5 kg of its body weight, two times a day. Advise the effects of this initial dosage for a ten-day period, and increase the dosage if there are no apparent results.

Many dog owners have reported that CBD oil for pets can effectively calm a dog down, even if a dog has suffered from regular bouts of anxiety for many years. CBD can also be taken on a situational basis, such as during fireworks to help calm nervous animals.

Initially, giving your dog CBD oil may result in your pet feeling a brief feeling of drowsiness or light-headedness. However, if you are using CBD to battle anxiety, it can be much more impactful compared to other alternative treatments.

Although CBD will not harm your dog, there are a few potential side effects that you should be aware of. Too much CBD oil could make your pet feel sleepy or drowsy, impacting the speed of its reactions. As your dog is unaware where this feeling has come from, it may cause some distress.

This is why we recommend starting with a low dose so your dog can build up a tolerance and become accustomed to the effects of CBD oil.