Olio di CBD 8% - Spettro completo

Prodotto da agricoltori olandesi di decima generazione100% vegano
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L'olio di CBD 8% di Dutch Natural Healing si basa sul nostro estratto di canapa di provata efficacia e 100% biologico. Grazie all'esclusiva diluizione 1:1 dell'estratto con olio di semi di canapa, un flacone da 10 ml contiene 825 - 1625 mg di CBD di altissima qualità.

Oltre all'alta concentrazione di CBD, questo olio contiene anche cannabinoidi come CBG, CBN e CBC. Inoltre, l'olio di CBD all'8% contiene terpeni e terpenoidi aromatici che conferiscono all'olio un sapore gradevole e favoriscono l'effetto di accompagnamento del prodotto. Dopo tutto, è così che la natura ha voluto che fosse la pianta. Rispettando gli ingredienti naturali della pianta e mantenendo i nostri prodotti freschi e testati in laboratorio, l'olio di CBD di Dutch Natural Healing è probabilmente uno degli oli di CBD più efficaci oggi disponibili.

  1. Agitare bene prima di ogni utilizzo
  2. Mettere 2-3 gocce sotto la lingua 2-3 volte al giorno e deglutire dopo un minuto
  3. Aumentare il dosaggio se desiderato dopo 10-14 giorni
  4. Conservare a temperatura ambiente

Olio di canapa prima spremitura (50%) | Olio di semi di canapa (50%)* | Spettro completo con 825 - 1650 mg di CBD | Una goccia di menta o limone, se lo si desidera, per un gusto migliore. *Certificato biologico

Conteggio gocce

± 225 - 480


(±3,5mg CBD per goccia)

Adatto per

Tutta la famiglia

Tipo di prodotto

Olio di CBD a spettro completo


Il più antico e migliore olio di CBD disponibile, come natura ha voluto

Livello di THC

Meno dello 0,02%

Domande frequenti

CBD is short for cannabidiol, one of the many active ingredients found in cannabis and hemp plants. Around 150 cannabinoids have been identified, with CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) being the most well-known. 

CBD is extracted from the leaves and buds of the plant. It's not to be confused with hemp seed oil, which contains no cannabinoids.

Cannabinoids are chemical compounds with unique effects on the body's endocannabinoid system. This system regulates many essential bodily functions, including pain perception, sleep, appetite, mood, memory, and immune function.

Unlike THC, CBD does not cause a psychoactive effect and does not cause you to feel ''high'' or ''stoned''. It is used purely for its ability to boost a person's well-being. 

The popularity of CBD continues to grow as studies show that the extract can provide a good night's sleep, reduce anxiety, and offer pain relief.

CBD helps to regulate the cannabinoid system, which controls all of the critical processes in the body. Our cannabinoids act as signalling neurotransmitters. CBD helps to achieve homeostasis in the body, meaning the ideal balance in which your body and mind thrive and you feel at your best. Curious to find out how CBD works in more detail? Check out: ''The endocannabinoid system (ECS) - how does CBD work?'

The Entourage Effect is when different active components within CBD oil strengthen each other's functions. This means that you experience the full benefits of CBD as well as the other naturally occurring elements of the hemp plant.

This means full-spectrum CBD products - which, in addition to CBD, contain other cannabinoids and terpenes – seem to be more effective than isolated CBD products. 

At Dutch Natural Healing, we're proud to offer one of the most complex hemp extracts on the market with the best entourage effect available.

The starting CBD oil dosage for our water-soluble CBDactive+ - is around 1 or 2 drops (or pumps), 1 or 2 times a day, unless otherwise advised. 

If you experience no difference in your situation after 10-14 days of use, we recommend increasing the dosage.

If it gets to the point where you need more than one full dropper, we recommend increasing the potency of the CBD oil you're using. This means you're moving to a higher concentrated dose of CBD per drop instead of increasing your dosage.

If you're unsure about the right hemp oil dosage for your needs or have recently switched brands, types, or strengths of CBD oil – please feel free to contact us free of charge. Our friendly customer service team will advise which product is right for you and how to get started in the right way.

THC Oil (Cannabis oil) and CBD Oil are poles apart in terms of their usage and effects.

CBD oil generally exists in three different types i.e. full-spectrum, broad-spectrum CBD oil or CBD isolate. However, none of these is intoxicating. As only full-spectrum CBD oil contains THC, but still no more than 0.3 percent.

Meanwhile, THC (Cannabis) oil can be categorised as full spectrum as it does contain other cannabinoids, terpenes, and phytonutrients along with tetrahydrocannabinol. This type of oil is often used in vapes and dabs for recreational purposes and produces a high.

Simply, CBD oil is used for its health and well-being qualities, whereas THC oil is a recreational substance.

No. Medical marijuana contains large amounts of THC, which can lead to psychoactive effects and feeling 'stoned'. CBD oil contains different cannabinoids from medical marijuana and does not produce any psychoactive effects.