Blog sul CBD - Informazioni sull'olio di CBD

Scoprite tutto quello che c'è da sapere sui prodotti CBD biologici di Dutch Natural Healing. In questi blog troverete informazioni sugli effetti dell'olio di CBD, dell'olio di CBG e di altri cannabinoidi. Ma anche interessanti informazioni scientifiche e innovazioni nel campo del CBD e di altre sostanze derivate dalla canapa. Inoltre, sulla pagina del blog troverete le ultime notizie sulla nostra azienda, per essere sempre i primi a conoscere i nostri sviluppi.

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Tutte le informazioni contenute in questi blog sono intese solo a scopo educativo e non intendono in alcun modo sostituire il parere del medico. Avete una condizione grave? Rivolgetevi al vostro medico di fiducia.


Is CDB oil, weed-, cannabis- and hemp oil the same as CBD oil? - Dutch Natural Healing
Mar 07, 2021
As you might’ve noticed, there are a lot of difficult terms in the world of hemp supplements. When...
Side-effects of CBD: what are the downsides to hemp oil? - Dutch Natural Healing
Feb 28, 2021
Hemp oil is a natural food supplement, which is widely used for a variety of health problems and...
CBD and fibromyalgia: how hemp oil might help treat symptoms - Dutch Natural Healing
Feb 07, 2021
Patients with fibromyalgia often find it difficult to treat their condition and decrease its symptoms. This might be...
Getting used to hemp: can you build up a (reversed) tolerance for CBD oil? - Dutch Natural Healing
Jan 31, 2021
Hemp oil is a popular and natural product which is widely used in efforts to soothe a variety of...
CBD and Autism: How can hemp oil help treat Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - Dutch Natural Healing
Jan 24, 2021
Autism is a difficult to treat disorder with no available cures. Mainly because of the many different causes...
Can CBG and CBD Oil be used as an anti-fungal? - Dutch Natural Healing
Jan 17, 2021
CBD oil is often mentioned in relation to (chronic) pain, mental disorders and auto-immune diseases. However, there are ailments...
Study: ‘Cannabidiol from CBD oil improves blood flow in the brain’ - Dutch Natural Healing
Jan 04, 2021
It was long unsure what impact hemp actually has on the brain’s function and health. Though with the...
5 benefits of CBD oil for sport recovery - Dutch Natural Healing
Nov 30, 2020
The worlds of sports and CBD are slowly merging, as more athletes discover the benefits of the cannabinoid....
Does CBD Help Anxiety? (Yes, But Here's What You Need To Know!) - Dutch Natural Healing
Nov 23, 2020
CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of over 100 different cannabinoid compounds found in the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa....