CBD Blog - Information about CBD oil

Learn everything you need to know about the organic CBD products by Dutch Natural Healing. In these blogs, you’ll find information on the effects of CBD oil, CBG oil and other cannabinoids. But also interesting scientific information and innovations in the field of CBD and other hemp-derived substances. Besides, you’ll find the latest news about our company on our blog page - to ensure you’re the first to know about our developments.

Submerge yourself into the world of hemp and CBD and learn with us in our CBD blogs! Are there any subjects or is there specific information missing on this page? Tip our editors through our contact form and include ‘Blog tip’ in the subject.

All information in these blogs is intended for educational purposes only and is in no way meant to replace medical advice. Do you have a serious condition? Please ask your physician for medical advice.


CBD oil boosts immune system and supports overall health - Dutch Natural Healing
Apr 13, 2020
CBD products like CBD oil appear to have an extremely positive effect on the body. Both humans and animals greatly benefit from the substance from the hemp plant, as it connects to their natural endocannabinoid system (ECS). One of the most apparent characteristics of Dutch Natural Healing CBD oil though, is that it may boost the immune system. Generally protecting your health, in support of your overall well-being.
No Novel Food: Clarifying CBD as a traditional superfood - Dutch Natural Healing
Apr 03, 2020
In a recent clarification of the European ‘Novel Food Regulation’, CBD is regarded as a novel food. This means CBD oil would have to pass through intense authorization processes for medical- or food supplements, before it’s allowed to be sold on the market. Though extensive research by the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) concludes otherwise: CBD is a century old ‘traditional superfood’ in the EU.