CBD Oil Hydroxy Quinone 8%

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CBD HQ Oil (HU-331)

One glass bottle with handy spray-head contains 8% Cannabidiol Hydroxy Quinone. CBD HQ is the organic version of HU 331 as discovered by prof. Raphael Mechoulam. For more information about CBD HQ and its effects, please research the subject online.

What is CBD Hydroxy Quinone?

CBD HQ (Cannabidiol Hydroxy Quinone) is a very special and rare compound from the hemp plant, and very different from regular CBD oil. It is in fact the product you get when CBD (Cannabidiol) oxides, changing the chemical make-up and effects of the substance in the body. Unfortunately, we cannot share any medical benefits you might experience from CBD HQ. So if you’re looking for advice on CBD HQ in relation to certain diseases, please research the subject online or contact our customer service.

How to make CBD HQ Oil?

As explained above, CBD HQ is the result of the oxidation of Cannabidiol (CBD). When CBD oxides, the chemical make-up changes, also changing the way the compound interacts with the body. This oxidation process is something that we see more in nature. For example, it’s what happens when you slice an apple and the fruit turns brown. But where it takes just a few minutes for the ‘polyphenols’ to oxide in an apple, CBD HQ takes years to form. Hence the high costs for a gram of the synthetic version (HU-331), which is over 1000x more expensive than gold.

Luckily, we found a way to produce CBD HQ from organic hemp material; using high quality Cannabidiol. Providing a cheaper, yet effective vegetal version of this rare and intriguing cannabinoid compared to the synthetic version. The only organic version of CBD HQ available in the world. Try CBD HQ to discover what it might do for you or contact us for more information about Cannabidiol Hydroxy Quinone.

  1. Use 1 spray in the mouth - 3 times a day
  2. Wait 2 minutes before swallowing
  3. Store cold

Oxidized Cannabidiol Oil, MCT Oil, terpenes.


8% (±8mg per spray)

Suitable For



Hydroquinone connections from CBD

THC level

Less Than 0,02%

Frequently Asked Questions

Before we go into various studies on the health benefits of CBD HQ we want to make clear: ‘DNH strongly advises against using CBD HQ instead of or simultaneously with traditional (anti-cancer) treatments. Always consult your doctor in case of (serious and persistent) complaints. For more information about this, please contact us.’

Quinone compounds, such as CBD HQ, are strong antioxidants according to several studies. There is also research suggesting that CBD HQ, even in low concentrations, could have a positive effect on inhibiting the growth of cancer cell lines.

Additional research also highlights another possible benefit of CBD HQ, as the plant-based agent is non-toxic and appears to be more effective than Doxorubicin.

Some websites even write, "CBD HQ proves to be an effective and safe tumour inhibitor."

We cannot make such a strong claim though, because there is still a lack of studies involving real people. Many existing studies are based on results from Petri-dishes or with mice.

The oxidation process to produce CBD HQ can take between ten-to-fifteen years. Hence the absurdly high price for a gram of the synthetic version (HU-331, discovered by Dr. Raphael Mechoulam). This is in fact about 1000x more expensive than gold because of the time it takes to produce.