Enjoy a delicious and alternative way of benefiting from CBD with our organic tea blends, made with real fruit, flowers and herbs. Choose from energising or relaxing CBD teas to suit your needs and preferences, and give your wellbeing a much needed boost whilst enjoying a soothing beverage.

Organic CBD...

CBD Lemon Green Tea
CBD Lemon Green Tea
100% VeganPremium qualityNo artificial flavorsProduced by 10th generation Dutch Farmers
CBD Fruit Tea
CBD Fruit Tea
100% VeganPremium qualityNo artificial flavorsProduced by 10th generation Dutch Farmers
CBD Black Tea with Mango
CBD Black Tea with Mango
100% VeganPremium qualityNo artificial flavorsProduced by 10th generation Dutch Farmers
CBD Strawberry & Apple Green Tea
CBD Strawberry & Apple Green Tea
100% VeganPremium qualityNo artificial flavorsProduced by 10th generation Dutch Farmers

Enjoy a delicious and alternative way of benefiting from CBD with our organic tea blends, made with real fruit, flowers and herbs. Choose from energising or relaxing CBD teas to suit your needs and preferences, and give your wellbeing a much needed boost whilst enjoying a soothing beverage.

Organic CBD Hemp Tea from Dutch Natural Healing

CBD tea is a great way to enjoy the benefits of hemp’s cannabinoids if you’re looking for an alternative to oils or cosmetics. Our innovative teas are blended with CBD and can prove even more effective than conventional hemp oil.

As CBD is naturally not soluble in water, we used our unique Dutch Natural Healing water-soluble CBD formula for the best effects in our great-tasting CBD tea. Thanks to the high bioavailability and wide variety of cannabinoids and terpenes in the extract, this CBD tea provides the best possible entourage effect.

The Benefits of drinking CBD Tea

CBD tea can be consumed at any time of day as an alternative, or in addition to your regular cannabinoid intake. Each of our teas combines the relaxing sensation of having a warm cup of tea, with the potential health benefits CBD can offer.

Choose from an energising or relaxing tea blend to give your wellbeing that extra boost it needs.

DNH’s Water-Soluble CBD Formula

It is a challenge to create effective CBD tea without adding unnecessary fats. Fortunately, we have invented a unique and highly innovative formula called CBDactive+ which binds the present cannabinoids to a so-called lipoprotein. This makes the fatty components soluble in water, and enhances the bioavailability of cannabidiol (CBD) to 100%! This means that you will fully benefit from every mg of CBD in your tea.

As the cannabidiol and other cannabinoids in our full-spectrum CBD tea are already bound to a lipoprotein, they can skip the ‘first-pass effect’ in our digestive system. This process usually happens when you orally ingest unprocessed cannabinoids, resulting in low bioavailability.

Research shows that CBD can help to elevate the relaxing effects of the tea, while also working as an adaptogen to reduce stress on the body and mind.

Our Delicious Tea Blends with 5 mg Full-Spectrum CBD

DNH’s CBD tea blends are carefully selected in collaboration with some of the best tea producers in Europe. All are made with organic, certified materials and no added flavours or colouring. The deliciously tasting teas are composed of freshly dried tea leaves, flowers, herbs, and fruits in various aromatic blends.

Our CBD tea is infused with our full-spectrum, water-soluble formula, meaning that besides 5mg of the highest quality cannabidiol, the blends contain all the other cannabinoids which are naturally present in the hemp plant. CBD tea is combined with a variety of hemp’s natural terpenes so the effect is as close to the plant as possible. This tea offers the best possible entourage effect on your health and wellbeing, just like nature intended.

Frequently Asked Questions

To use our CBD tea blends, you must soak the tea for 3-5 minutes in boiling hot water. The longer you soak the tea, the stronger the taste is going to be. The tea needs to soak for at least 3 minutes for the CBDactive+ to be released into the water. You can then cool the tea down before drinking or refrigerate it to make CBD ice tea.

We want to offer the possibility to enjoy a cup of delicious and organic tea, without having to unnecessarily add milk or coconut oil. This is why we have re-invented the concept of CBD tea with our water-soluble formula, resulting in innovative and highly effective CBD tea.

For more information about our CBD tea contact our CBD customer service team.

If you are not a tea drinker then you will be pleased to know that CBD can be consumed in a variety of different ways. By simply using a few drops of CBD oil it is possible to infuse your morning coffee with the positive effects of the hemp plant.