Mogota tea: Storm in a teacup? Lidl recalls CBD Hemp Tea due to high THC-levels - Dutch Natural Healing

Mogota tea: Storm in a teacup? Lidl recalls CBD Hemp Tea due to high THC-levels

Aug 26, 2021Mert Gokceimam

Lidl supermarkets in The Netherlands are recalling ‘Hemp Tea’ from the brand ‘Mogota’. As was discovered, the herbal tea blend sold by the international concern contains higher levels of THC than allowed by law. But is the recall-action justly, which products are recalled exactly and what CBD Hemp Tea is a good alternative? This is what we know about Hemp Tea with CBD:

Lidl recalls Hemp Tea

Lidl Netherlands is recalling all ‘Mogota’ branded hemp tea’s with BBF 31-12-2022 and barcode 3830001230185. The reason behind this drastic measure is that the tea produced in Slovenia supposedly contains too much Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). While the cannabinoid Cannabidiol (CBD) is non-psychoactive and will not affect your awareness; Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on the other hand does possess psychoactive properties.

Hence why lawmakers in the EU have decided a maximum of 0,2% THC in CBD / Hemp supplements sold on the European market. A limit that was obviously exceeded by Mogota, while exact numbers remain a mystery.

Accordingly, Lidl Netherlands warns that consumers could experience unwanted side-effects after consuming the THC-rich hemp tea by Mogota. This includes mood-swings and fatigue, as said in the supermarket’s official statement. Lidl therefor urges customers not to consume the tea, but to return it to the store; where they will be fully reimbursed.

Storm in a teacup?

While Lidl’s concern for the safety of their customers is cute; it does appear to a bit unnecessary. After all, cannabinoids are naturally not soluble in water… This goes to say, that when you make Lidl’s THC-rich hemp tea with hot water only - you will not actually consume cannabinoids like CBD and THC. In fact, you will merely taste the hemp plant’s terpenes and flavonoids. While the cannabinoids remain untouched on the plant material.

Unless the tea is made with a bit of fat, coming from milk or coconut oil, of course. Considering cannabinoids are soluble in fat. Though not everyone likes to drink their tea with milk. Nor should it be a requirement to be able to actually ingest Cannabidiol when buying CBD Hemp Tea. Though luckily, we’ve discovered a method to produce actual effective Hemp Tea with CBD. Without the need for additives and 100% certified within the acceptable limits of EU-law.

Hemp Tea with CBD

To ensure the CBD in the tea is actually consumed - without having to add fats - the cannabinoid has to solve completely in the hot water. And there’s only one way in which this can work: by infusing lovely tea blends with our water-soluble CBD formula. So while no actual hemp flower is found in DNH’s CBD Tea blends, they’re still the most effective Hemp Teas available today.

The fact that the four blends happen to taste delicious too, is just a plus. And we have our buddies from CBThee to thank for that. As they have developed a collection of four unique and delicious tea blends with real fruits, herbs and flowers for us to offer. Which we have carefully infused with our highly effective water-soluble CBDactive+ formula. To discover more about this unique CBD product, check out our blog ‘CBD Tea: natural tea blends with water-soluble CBD.

Or try it now:

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