Meet CBDactive+ PURE - one of our most popular and effective products to date. In contrast to regular CBD oil, CBDactive+ is a water soluble form of CBD. Accordingly, this means it contains more than just a raw hemp extract and hemp seed oil. But what does this mean for its use? This is what you should know about our CBDactive+ PURE pen:
What is CBDactive+ PURE?
CBDactive+ PURE is a unique product produced using our BioActive+ formula. In short, this technique helps to turn lipophilic, hemp-derived cannabinoids like Cannabidiol (CBD), into a hydrophilic substance. In other words, making a fat-soluble product like a hemp extract soluble in water. Not only does this process make CBD much easier to use, but it also greatly increases its bioavailability.
Also interesting: What is water soluble CBD oil and what are the benefits?
After all, lipophilic cannabinoids are much harder to absorb by the body compared to a water-soluble form. And while we offer CBDactive+ in glass bottles - respectively 400mg CBD in 10ml and 800mg in 20ml - diluted in a bit of water for lower dosing. Our CBDactive+ PURE pen contains 800mg of Cannabidiol in 10ml our unique formula. A thicker and higher concentrated paste than what you’ll find in the bottles. If you consider the increased bioavailability, it is safe to compare this 800mg product to a lipophilic hemp oil carrying 8000mg!
Inspired on the original and primal hemp plant, this product also contains other cannabinoids such as CBC, CBN and CBG. Besides, it is enriched with tasty terpenes and terpenoids such as: Myrceen, Caryophyllene, Pinene, Limonene and Linalool. Moreover, it also contains Curcumin and vitamine E. These carefully selected ingredients and their unique composition make CBDactive+ PURE one of the most complete CBD products available today; and support the product’s entourage-effect.
What is CBDactive+ PURE best used for?
Obviously we’re no doctors, nor can we make medical claims about our products. After all, there’s still a lot of research to be done into the effects of Cannabidiol and other cannabinoids on our health and well-being. Though luckily, we do have a lot of experience with customers using the products and sharing their feedback; giving us insights into the ailments they are most effective for.
Thanks to that feedback, we now know what CBDactive+ PURE is best used for. And as the high dosed product might already suggest, it’s mainly used for more serious ailments. Some ailments this product might be effective against, according to customer’s feedback are:
- Heavy (chronic) pain coming from rheumatic disorders, nerve damage and injuries;
- Digestive issues like Crohn’s disease, IBS, cramps, and ulcerative colitis for instance;
- Other serious inflammatory diseases and auto-immune disorders.
Again, using CBDactive+ PURE does not guarantee you’ll be cured or your personal situation will improve. Although looking at results from the past; there is a chance that it will improve your life’s quality. Especially when you’re dealing with one of the ailments mentioned above; or something similar.
Tips and Tricks for easier use of CBDactive+ PURE
Firstly, let’s take another minute to remind you all CBDactive+ products are made to be used with water. This means that the most effective and easy way to consume the product, is to pump the desired dose (often 1-2 pumps, 1-2 times a day) in a glass of water and drink it up after you’ve stirred it well.
Though it could sometimes happen, that the product does not easily exits the container we call ‘syringe’ or ‘pen’ when you press the backside of it. To ensure it does come out like it should, there are a few things to keep in mind:
Storing CBDactive+ PURE
Let’s start with some storage advice; do not refrigerate this product. Because like regular CBD oil, this water soluble product is perfectly stored in a dark place on room temperature. Considering all ingredients have a long shelf-life, you won’t have to fear it’ll go bad soon after you purchase or open it.
Better yet, store the container upside down - so with the opening facing down. This helps the product sink towards the tip, making it easier for it to exit when needed. In some cases however, air gets in between the paste and the syringe’s tip; making the pen unable to pump the product out. Because honestly, the pump mechanism is not made to pump air - but to pump out the PURE paste. But when this happens, there’s two options:
- Swing and swirl! Imagine the pen is a bottle of ketchup which has been stored with the opening facing upwards; or a ball-pen that isn’t working. What would you do? Exactly! Give it a few good swings. Usually, doing this with a bit of force might be just enough to get the paste to the tip to start pumping it out.
- Suck it up! This might sound a bit strange, but it is a very effective way to release the air from the pen and get it to work. Simply take off the plastic cap and white rubber closing it, and suck a little bit on the tip. This should do the trick and extract all the air from the syringe, ensuring the mechanism is able to pump out the paste when needed.
If both options don’t work, please contact our experienced customer service. We’ll happily help you overcome any hurdles you might encounter when using our products.
How much is left in the syringe?
Last but not least, there’s a cool trick we want you to know about. Because as you might know, all products (except this syringe) make it possible for you to see how much is in the container from the outside; looking through the glass. Though thanks to one of our valued customers, we’ve discovered a creative way of seeing how much is in the PURE pen, too.
To see how much is left in the pen, all you need is a flashlight. Like the ones most smartphones have. When you have that ready, you turn off the lights in the room and hold the flashlight to the white backside of the pen. This illuminates the inside of the syringe in such a way, that you can see up to where it’s filled with paste from the outside. A very handy trick to know when it’s time to order more - especially if you’re relatively new to the use of CBDactive+ PURE; and are not used to its weight yet. Because when you get used to the product, you’ll probably know by the weight change of the pen when it’s time to re-order!
Do you want to help other people select the best product for their needs? Leave us a review on the website, Google and Facebook or try CBDactive+ PURE to discover what it might do for you:
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