DNH meets the highest quality of standards: ISO 22000 certified CBD oil - Dutch Natural Healing

DNH meets the highest quality of standards: ISO 22000 certified CBD oil

19 de October, 2020Mert Gokceimam

How many CBD oil producers do you know with an ISO 22000 certificate? Exactly! Dutch Natural Healing is one of the few hemp oil manufacturers worldwide, who’re granted the highest possible certificate regarding food safety and quality management. But why is it so important to have this certification for our production facility and management system? Discover the most important benefits of ISO certified CBD oil production:

ISO 22000 Certified CBD oil

Companies producing foodstuff, like Dutch Natural Healing, have a great responsibility. After all, consumers rely on our expertise and care during the production process. But what guarantees do you get? Because theoretically speaking, everyone could pretend and say their products are made safely and are held up to the highest possible quality standards. While offering a poorly produced product coming from one’s dirty home kitchen. Something that happens a lot in this industry, unfortunately.

Moreover, hemp has a hard enough time as it is. With regulators and food safety agencies making it difficult for hemp farmers and oil producers to stay hopeful and foresee a bright future. At Dutch Natural Healing, we’ve always tried to been a ‘safe beacon’ and steady factor in this industry. A task that has required large investments and have cost us loads of energy through the years. Though luckily, these efforts have now been recognized and crowned.

That is why we’re happy - and proud as a peacock - to present you with our ISO 22000 certificate. Because after years of hard work and putting piles of documents together, it is now official. We have recently received the certificate proving our company’s management and production process are held up to the highest possible standards regarding food safety; set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and checked by an official and authorized agency. This ISO 22000-certificate covers basic management of systems, personnel, internal and external communication and hygienic principles. And this is why it’s a good thing to have:

Food Safety Management

The ISO 22000 certificate focuses on every aspect of food safety, with the main goal being to avoid any an all possible ‘contaminations’. That begins with a proper management system, carrying all the information needed to produce consistent, high quality CBD oil. For example, this includes a clear and interactive communication between all the disciplines needed in production. So that everyone knows exactly what to do and what’s already been done within the production process.

This makes the job a whole lot easier to do, but it also helps focus on quality - as we have nothing else to worry about. Every part of the company’s management and internal communication is written out and explained in our ISO documentation. So there is absolutely no room for errors, when producing ISO certified CBD oil!

Hygiene standards

Food safety isn’t food safety if it doesn’t include hygiene standards. Because let’s be honest, this is one of the most important aspects of producing a safe and clean CBD oil. So to finally receive the ISO certificate for our CBD oil production facility; we’ve had to up our game in terms of hygiene.

Obviously, we've already put a lot of effort in making sure our facilities - and products we make - were clean long before we even applied for the certificate. Though now, all these efforts are precisely registered; all the way up to the (storage and usage of) specific detergents we use for cleaning certain objects. Amongst a few other standards we now have in place, and carry out according to the ISO 22000 standards.

Traceability: CBD from seed to shelf

One of the most important aspects of the certificate though, is that we make sure every product is traceable. ‘From seed to shelf’ CBD Oil, if you will. This means that every supplier is registered; and each ingredient we use is documented upon arrival at our facility, for example. Moreover, each batch of oil we make is documented using a unique batch number as well; including the unique batch numbers of each ingredient per batch.

So if there’s a call-back on any ingredient or product used - or in case the quality is not up to the highest standards - we know exactly which products need to be called back. Wherever they are in the world! Luckily, this hasn’t happened before - nor do we hope for this to happen soon. And with all standards in quality management and testing in place, there’s a chance it’ll never happen. Though when it does happen, we can solve it before it becomes a problem. Guaranteeing the very best, ISO certified CBD oil available on the market.

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