CBD oil for psoriasis: How can hemp oil may help the autoimmune disease - Dutch Natural Healing

CBD oil for psoriasis: How can hemp oil may help the autoimmune disease

Apr 18, 2021Mert Gokceimam

Psoriasis is an annoying disease, which is often visible on the skin. While it therefor might look like a skin-disease, fact of the matter is that it’s actually an auto-immune disorder. This means that you might have a chance at treating it effectively with cannabinoids from hemp! Discover how hemp products like CBD oil and CBD Cream might help treat psoriasis: 


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ‘the reported prevalence of psoriasis in countries ranges between 0.09% and 11.43%, making psoriasis a serious global problem with at least 100 million individuals affected worldwide.’ With in the Netherlands alone around 250.000 people suffering from the disorder.

While it is visibly expressed on the skin, psoriasis does not classify as a skin-disorder. Instead it is actually an auto-immune disorder. A chronic condition which is characterized by swollen red scaly patches on the skin. Caused by an accelerated mitosis and reduced maturation of certain cells in the epidermis of the skin. In short: abnormal cell division. 

Accordingly, the most common symptoms include redness and flaking, swelling, pain, and an overall uncomfortable feeling on the affected skin. Obviously this may vary per individual. Though most patients report to experience itching, a burning feeling, or pain on the dry and damaged skin. 

Besides, around a quarter of all patients might develop psoriatic arthritis as well. This is a chronic inflammation of the joints comparable to rheumatic arthritis. And while the itching and damaged skin might not be extremely impairing; these symptoms do appear to compromise the quality of life in patients. As it contributes to mental stress and anxiety, depression, and a lower self-esteem. 

Conventional psoriasis treatment 

Conventional psoriasis treatments often include creams or light-therapy. In cases where these treatments do not provide sufficient results, a systemic treatment might be considered. This is a treatment from within, instead of working from the outside in, as with the treatments mentioned earlier. 

In case of systemic treatment, patients might be offered a variety of chemical pharmaceuticals. Including methotrexate, acitetrin, ciclosporin, fumaric acid, apremilast, and a variety of biologicals. However, these medicines come with a long list of possible - and sometimes even conflicting - side effects, including: 

  • Digestive problems
  • Liver function problems 
  • Lower blood counts (white and red cells) 
  • Dry skin and mucous tissue
  • Sensitivity to sunlight
  • Night-blindness 
  • Decreased kidney function
  • High blood pressure 
  • Increased cholesterol 
  • Heightened sensitivity to infections
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea 
  • Heart burn 
  • Insomnia
  • Migraines 

Moreover, these medicines are not cheap either. So besides offering a very long (and even incomplete) list of possible dangerous side-effects, these pharmaceuticals will probably cost you a fortune. That’s why it’s worth looking into safe and natural alternatives like cannabinoids from hemp

Endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the skin

Because it appears that the receptors from our body’s own endocannabinoid-system (ECS), are well represented in our largest organ: the skin. And various studies show us the potential of treating disorders like psoriasis by stimulating these ECS-receptors with vegetal cannabinoids from hemp. Including Cannabidiol (CBD), of course.

For example, this experimental study proves that certain cannabinoids might inhibit the accelerated cell division in the epidermis. Making hemp skincare cosmetics like CBD Cream a potential treatment for psoriasis, too. This is supported by findings in an Hungarian study. Where scientists proved that the ECS in the skin is mainly responsible for cell division, cell growth, apoptosis (the ability of a cell to kill itself when needed) and the production of hormones, sebum and hair follicles.

Treating psoriasis with CBD from hemp 

By helping to regulate these processes at the basis; cannabinoid-rich skincare cosmetics like CBD Cream are scientifically proven to be an effective treatment for psoriasis and similar disorders. Though the external use of cannabinoids is not the only way in which hemp might help you treat psoriasis; and possibly decrease its symptoms. 

Apparently, psoriasis may worsen due to stress. Given the fact that ingesting CBD oil products can possibly help decrease the production of excessive stress-hormones in the body. It might also be helpful to include an oral CBD product - like CBD oil - to your psoriasis treatment. 

Our CBD Sample Packs contain a variety of CBD products that could help you treat your skin from the inside and out. Ranging from CBD cosmetics to ingestible hemp oils, water soluble CBD and a CBG oil. Pick your pack to try and find the best CBD product to improve your psoriasis treatment: 

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